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Saturday, March 28, 2015

Tractor Trouble

This is Husband climbing under the tractor because it won't start, which means we have untractored (yes, a word) land, which means we have untilled land, which means the LAND is no where near ready for the 500 raspberry plants on their way.
But Thing 1 and Thing 2 still got some work done in their new (first pair of) overalls.

And we did make it to Tractor Supply to look for a new filter and transmission fluid, although the boys were wearing Husband's nerves thin....
And THIS is Husband in the background right before he asked the kids nicely told the boys a little forcefully to "quiet down" as they entertained themselves making trumpet noises with the funnels we also needed. 
A frustrating day on the farm as far as progress goes, but we were together, and we laughed, and that's what's important to me.

Click here: The Unexpected Farm Girl - The Prequel for photos & amusing stories from the 2008 - 2011 part of The Unexpected Farm Girl's journey. 


The Unexpected Farm Girl (Erika)

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Unc & Unc

This is "Unc"....and "Unc" the twins who take care of anything plumbing around here. Uncle Ralph and Uncle Rudy. They say "we'll take care of it" and by golly that's somehow exactly what they do. Today they're revving up the irrigation system in the baby barn that links to each hoop house in order to satiate thirsty berries. We're missing a part. They say, "don't worry about it." I believe them. The farm brings out old school folks who take care of you.

Thing 1 and Thing 2 are happy today.1. The oldest is practicing driving a stick shift 2. The youngest gets to laugh at the process and 3. It's not frigid cold. 

AND, THIS is the day. We ordered 500 raspberry plants. If you peek at the previous entry, you will see just how far we are from being ready to plant them (hence the look on Husband's face). Especially since the tractor needs some fluid, or less fluid, or something, to get this land broken up. Let the race with the clock begin. Will the berries have a home when they arrive that's nice and neat with the raised beds they need for proper drainage?

Well, first of all, if there's any chance of that, this guy needs to get out of the office and into the hoop house!

Click here: The Unexpected Farm Girl - The Prequel for photos & amusing stories from the 2008 - 2011 part of The Unexpected Farm Girl's journey. 


The Unexpected Farm Girl

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Can We Get Ready In Time?

Ordering berries soon. Ahhhhhh! So much to do. Can we get ready in time?  We choose to be optimistic. We continue revamping hoop houses and saving the praying mantis cocoon we found.

Cutting down/out all the old plastic that's just whipping in the wind.

The praying mantis are so beautiful to see in the Spring!

Click here: The Unexpected Farm Girl - The Prequel for photos & amusing stories from the 2008 - 2011 part of The Unexpected Farm Girl's journey. 


Tuesday, March 3, 2015

If Time Magazine Says It....

Raspberries are second on the list (after bananas - drat!) as one of the 50 healthiest foods according to Time magazine.

The 50 Healthiest Foods of All Time (With Recipes) via http://time.com/3724505/50-healthiest-foods/

One of The Unexpected Farm Girl's Raspberries Emerging circa 2010
Click here: The Unexpected Farm Girl - The Prequel for photos & amusing stories from the 2008 - 2011 part of The Unexpected Farm Girl's journey. 


The Unexpected Farm Girl (Erika)