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Just Raspberries, LLC Gourmet Jam Photos

Artisan Jam. Memorable Flavor.

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Just Raspberries, LLC ~ One of Maryland's Best!

At Just Raspberries, LLC we are excited to receive an invitation to become one of Maryland's Best! inspiring people to continue to buy fresh foods grown locally in the State of MD!

owner | justraspberries.com 

It All Starts with Plump Juicy Raspberries

A few people have recently commented on how and why raspberries have "that hole in the middle, you know, so you can put them on your finger." So I took a photo (see below) that shows exactly what one of our raspberries looks like when it has just been plucked off of the cane, and included a few other photos of some raspberries I went around and collected....for myself! Cheers! 
owner | justraspberries.com 

Just Raspberries, LLC Hits the Radio Waves!

Lots of laughs as I get interviewed about going to Fruit School & farming, the show host tastes one of my gourmet raspberry jams live on air, and somehow we even cover a fun story from Kindergarten. Interview streams Wednesday June 15 at Noon EST on www.1240wcem.com.
owner | justraspberries.com

Erika & Husband: Putting Up The Trellises

The trellises. We needed to get started on ours in preparation for when the raspberries get top heavy. Husband got out the tools and drilled the holes and made them, then we ran the lines down the rows. A lot of work. Good thing we enjoyed spending time together.
Now, to those 1,080 feet of raspberries to feed. Better get busy!
The first blush of color this season. A beautiful sight to see! 
owner | justraspberries.com

Friday, April 22, 2016

Wishing You a Jammin' Kind of Day!

I love the possibilities of what you can do with a photo to express the joy of the farm and the sunshine. Here's a fun example. Wishing You a Jammin' Kind of Day!


The Unexpected Farm Girl

Sunday, April 17, 2016

And...We're Back.

It SNOWED last week. In April. But this week, we're out in the sunshine, hoping the raspberry plants haven't been too disturbed by the freezing temperatures of late. Sunshine....Water....Raspberries....JAM later in the season! So excited to gear up for what is meant to be for 2016 :)


The Unexpected Farm Girl

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Jammin' & Loving Every Minute of It

A Business Blog reviewed my Raspberry Sunshine Gourmet Jam recently, with this photo included. I received lots of wonderful congratulations, but my favorite comment was from a colleague who said "The best part of all this is how happy you look." Indeed.


The Unexpected Farm Girl

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Fruit School!

Fruit School was so much fun. I got to learn about best practices for my raspberries from University of Maryland College Park professors, and their information was so practical I can take my new knowledge right out on to the farm. Growing my own raspberries for each gourmet jam recipe is more than a notion. And I'm always all about learning more....more knowledge, ultimately makes for even better gourmet jam!


The Unexpected Farm Girl

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Education Season

Folks ask me: What's going on with the raspberries during winter? Well, the raspberries need a certain amount of hours in the dormant phase to get enough rest and strength to feel like growing when the ground starts to unfreeze.

I, on the other hand as Owner, Jam Artisan, and Farmer, am not dormant. Winter means doing LOTS of research on raspberry production, attending education sessions, networking, business planning to find best practices in shipping, best resources for packaging materials, marketing, and everything that will go into launching the 2016 season!

Speaking of events, my first time at the Women in Agriculture conference in Dover, Delaware means meeting in person some of the wonderful Extension Agents from afar who have already been SO helpful to Just Raspberries, LLC.

24 degrees and inside the conference center Jammin'!


The Unexpected Farm Girl