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Just Raspberries, LLC Gourmet Jam Photos

Artisan Jam. Memorable Flavor.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Raspberries Week 9 - Ready or Not, Here They Come!

Beautiful, even when still green. 
Polana Raspberries - Week 9
Week 9 and it feels so great to be walking around in the 92 degree weather, pulling weeds while Husband cuts the grass. We saw one little peek of red on a berry and it was so exciting!

Now THIS is determination. This Niwot black raspberry is not even fully in the ground and it's still growing strong.

Growing black raspberries (note, not blackberries) is new to us. These Bristol are getting wild and spreading out in all different directions already.
Bristol Black Raspberry - Week 9
Bristol Black Raspberry - Week 9

Polana Raspberries - Week 9

Polana Raspberries - Week 9

Another beautiful site on the farm....the flowers.

Click here: The Unexpected Farm Girl - The Prequel for photos & amusing stories from the 2008 - 2011 part of The Unexpected Farm Girl's journey. 


The Unexpected Farm Girl (Erika)

Raspberries Week 8 - With My Eyes Open I See Sunshine

This is what I saw back in January. When everything was a mess. I closed my eyes and I imagined what I knew it could be like, the farm bathed in sunshine, the bumble bees buzzing, and me smiling.

Click here: The Unexpected Farm Girl - The Prequel for photos & amusing stories from the 2008 - 2011 part of The Unexpected Farm Girl's journey. 


The Unexpected Farm Girl (Erika)

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Raspberries Week 7 - The Bumble Bees Are Back!

Buzzzzzzz. Buzzzzzzzz. Buzzzzzzzz. Gets my attention. Ahhhh....they're back. Sprout flowers and they will come. Never mind that I followed this hard working farm employee around in the rain for 10 minutes to get this shot. Well worth it.

One of my best friends said hooray for free labor! I couldn't agree more. We couldn't do this without these guys, and I was so glad to see even  more of the calvary had arrived later in the week.

Click here: The Unexpected Farm Girl - The Prequel for photos & amusing stories from the 2008 - 2011 part of The Unexpected Farm Girl's journey.


The Unexpected Farm Girl (Erika)

Friday, June 5, 2015

Raspberries Week 6 - Bouncing Back

Our Niwot are the black raspberries. The ones we were surprised arrived NOT as a stick with roots, but a delicate tissue culture. And boy did they look unhappy for a long time. But now they're all shiny and reaching for the sun. Something knocked them for a loop, but just like when that happens to humans, they had to bounce back and look for the plentiful light all around them.

These are the first "runners" we've seen. Fresh growth popping up not directly off of the original stalk.

Click here: The Unexpected Farm Girl - The Prequel for photos & amusing stories from the 2008 - 2011 part of The Unexpected Farm Girl's journey. 


The Unexpected Farm Girl (Erika)