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Saturday, April 4, 2015

Tractoring - The "E" Edition

If someone had said to me back in college, or while I was working in the corporate world, that I would be sitting on, let alone handling (quite well, I might add) a tractor, I would have said they were delerious. Yet, here I am. And having FUN! Even out in the rain, on Good Friday, with Husband pretending not to watch to make sure I don't take a whole hoop house down while I'm at it.

Just starting out and Husband says I need to go faster or I won't till up any dirt.

OK, we'll kick it up into 3rd gear.

It's raining, but when you pause you can hear the sweet song of all the little froggies around.

And at the end of the day, I can say that I did ALL this by myself. And progress is good.

Click here: The Unexpected Farm Girl - The Prequel for photos & amusing stories from the 2008 - 2011 part of The Unexpected Farm Girl's journey. 


The Unexpected Farm Girl (Erika)

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